CuteCapture - Capture Software for Linux and Mac

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Re: Cute(3)DSCapture - A Capture Software for Linux (and Mac

Post by Tablemon » Sun Feb 12, 2017 5:46 pm

gRuFtY wrote:Hi there!

It's about time that I get back in touch with you folks.
Sorry about my lack of support. As skipster said, I've been struggling with depression and have been in hospital for that. I know many people won't be interested in the details, but I feel like it's important to talk about those things. If you're not interested in that, feel free to skip the next paragraph.

Still reading? Cool :D I'll try to keep this short anyways.
I have been in hospital in September and October because of severe depression. August was probably the worst month, I planed on committing suicide back then (I'm glad I didn't actually do that), but it started months earlier and lasted longer then the stay in the hospital. I'm slowly getting back on track, I started doing important tasks I didn't do while the depression was stronger and I'm finally starting to do the things I like again. I know, it doesn't sound intuitive that I start doing the things I like last, but that's just how it is for me.
During the bad time, my work on CDC and C3C was one of the first hobbies I stopped doing because it started to feel like work. Although I like creating this software, it's already good enough for my personal purpose and making it work for others is mostly just that: work. I needed to drop hobbies like that to recover.
Fortunately since late December I feel much better thanks to new medication. This means I can finally get back to CuteCapture and try to make it work for your use cases as well.

So, what does that mean? Will I release a new and shiny version of the software tomorrow, with all the features you ever wanted and all those you never dreamed of? Well, no. Sorry, I'm not that fast.
But it means I'll try to be active in this thread again, listen to your problems, try to help you fix them and work towards audio and mac support. I can't and won't give an ETA on that, that never really worked for me ^^"
About the new 3DS support: I can't really tell you something about that right now. I'd love to make that happen, but I don't currently own a new 3DS, especially not one with a capture unit. Ages ago Loopy mentioned that the new 3DS is a bit harder to initialize, I'd need to get in contact with him for that, but having no unit I could test my code with makes developing this hard. Unfortunately I can't currently afford a new 3DS with capture unit, so I guess this is won't happen in the near future, as much as I'd love to make it happen. Sorry!
Hey! Really glad to have you back! I Registered to comment on how much I appreciate your Cute3DS software as it has allowed me to record countless videos for my youtube channel!

I personally don't need/hope for an updated super powerful version of the software, but I do want to ask, is making a Mac OS Sierra working version of the software very complicated? I can't record videos on my new computer because the software crashed immediately, so I'm having to record my 3DS videos on one computer and the rest in the new one.

Would it be possible to just have the exact same version of the software but functional on the latest OS perhaps sooner than the ultimate new featured loaded version?

Thanks once again for your software, I wouldn't be able to be doing what I do if it weren't for you!

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Re: Cute(3)DSCapture - A Capture Software for Linux (and Mac

Post by gRuFtY » Sun Feb 12, 2017 7:49 pm

Mac Versions in general are high on my priority list, but will probably still take some time. As much as I'd love to, I can't say more about this right now. Distributing software for make isn't really well documented, unfortunately :/

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Re: Cute(3)DSCapture - A Capture Software for Linux (and Mac

Post by Tablemon » Sun Feb 12, 2017 8:56 pm

gRuFtY wrote:Mac Versions in general are high on my priority list, but will probably still take some time. As much as I'd love to, I can't say more about this right now. Distributing software for make isn't really well documented, unfortunately :/
Ah ok I understand, I wasn't aware porting the current version for a newer OS would be difficult, I just have literally zero knowledge on the subject.

Thanks for all you do and I hope all the best for you! I will wait patiently for a working version on Sierra :).


Re: Cute(3)DSCapture - A Capture Software for Linux (and Mac

Post by Guest » Tue Feb 14, 2017 9:23 pm

Glad you're feeling better. Depression is no laughing matter and can take a lot of time to start to get back on your feet.
Take your time with the software, we don't want you to over do it.
I've been using parallels on my mac which works great, maybe if you tried the trial versionyou could get a sense of how it performs.


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Re: Cute(3)DSCapture - A Capture Software for Linux (and Mac

Post by theskipster » Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:42 pm

Guest wrote:Glad you're feeling better. Depression is no laughing matter and can take a lot of time to start to get back on your feet.
Take your time with the software, we don't want you to over do it.
I've been using parallels on my mac which works great, maybe if you tried the trial versionyou could get a sense of how it performs.

I tried using Parallels, but the screen sort of flickers all the time. The video feed from the DS flashes white, comes back for a second, flashes again, etc. Did you have this problem too? If you did, how did you fix it?


Re: Cute(3)DSCapture - A Capture Software for Linux (and Mac

Post by johnkowski » Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:53 pm

Hey guys. I have been reading through the forum and particularly this thread. I have a DS Capture card and Im trying to get it to work on a Mac. One Mac is running 10.9 and the other 10.12. I have done this to both computers:

'What you need to do is download this:
Go to your Library folder and create a new folder titled: Frameworks

Extract the SFML folder from the .tar file, then open the Frameworks folder inside.

Next, move all of the files from the Frameworks folder that's in the SFML folder to the Frameworks folder in Library
Lastly move all of the files from the extlibs folder that's in the SFML folder to the Frameworks folder in Library

That should do it. :)


The CuteDSCapture application launches and shows a black screen with FPS but when I plug in my modified DS with capture card the software crashes. Does anyone have some advice on fixing this?

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Re: Cute(3)DSCapture - A Capture Software for Linux (and Mac

Post by theskipster » Thu Feb 23, 2017 6:43 pm

johnkowski wrote:The CuteDSCapture application launches and shows a black screen with FPS but when I plug in my modified DS with capture card the software crashes. Does anyone have some advice on fixing this?
Not quite sure how you found that without finding out that the CuteDSCapture (for the regular DS) is currently not working on mac. We are waiting for gRuFtY, who has been dealing with personal issues, to update the program. Unfortunately, there is currently no ETA, we just have to wait patiently.


Re: Cute(3)DSCapture - A Capture Software for Linux (and Mac

Post by johnkowski » Fri Feb 24, 2017 12:00 am

Yeah, I did read that. I figured if I was using what I assumed was an old binary build of CuteDSCapture on an old OS X build (10.9.5) that it would work like it did originally. I thought it was a porting problem for the new OSX and that previously DSCapture worked on old OSX's. I also tried it on Parallels running off my 10.9.5 build resulting in a flicking white screen like another poster stated. So I guess I will wait patiently like the rest.

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Re: Cute(3)DSCapture - A Capture Software for Linux (and Mac

Post by gRuFtY » Fri Mar 03, 2017 11:57 am

Well, unfortunatelly none of the builds for Mac OSX worked really well. You could try to install libusb manually, that might be the cause of your problems, but I'm really not sure about that. Sorry!
This would be much easier, if I had a Mac I could use for testing and/or developing >.>

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Re: Cute(3)DSCapture - A Capture Software for Linux (and Mac

Post by theskipster » Fri Mar 03, 2017 12:18 pm

gRuFtY wrote:Well, unfortunatelly none of the builds for Mac OSX worked really well. You could try to install libusb manually, that might be the cause of your problems, but I'm really not sure about that. Sorry!
This would be much easier, if I had a Mac I could use for testing and/or developing >.>
I can help out if you send me the builds. Not sure if that's helpful to you or not :P

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