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Shipping from Vendor to Loopy

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 12:58 am
by ClipV
I've been awaiting an email response for a few weeks. I understand you shouldn't be required to send an email for every order, but the reason I emailed before purchasing was because I will be sending straight from the vendor I purchase from.

I have the money and am prepared to make the purchase, I just need to know if I buy the 3DS and list your address as the shipping address will you be able to identify it? Any response would be appreciated.

Re: Shipping from Vendor to Loopy

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:51 am
by desocietas
Other customers have done this before (from eBay, Amazon, etc). He's replied to others a while ago that they can do this but that they should email him a description and let him know when to expect it. He usually works on the systems in order of receiving them, and I'm sure if he gets your console with no easy indicator of who it belongs to, he'll check his email. Hope that helps!