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(sold) Katsukitty 3ds capture card

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:35 pm
by zollow
I just happened to keep this inbetween moves over the last five years because of how expensive these were back in 2015, and my roommate wouldn't take it for free without me at least trying to sell it first because they felt bad so here goes.

I see these reselling for upwards of 600 and I honestly can't believe it because of how shoddy most of these were put together so asking price is 200 shipped for just the 3ds I'd have to replace the other components like the charger and adapter because I've been bumming from friends whenever I get the urge to play oras so if you want those to come with it the price is 250.

Please feel free to ask any other questions im pretty flexible on price either here or my twitter is @/mallwhore dms open.

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Re: (Selling) Katsukitty 3ds capture card

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 9:24 am
by awkwardngay
hey is this still available?