Mac Users

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Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2023 3:33 pm

Re: Mac Users

Post by Mori » Mon Jan 08, 2024 3:15 pm

Seems I'm a Mac user I thought I'd share my experience here too.

For the last couple of years I've been Boot-Camping Windows on an older Mac, simply to record DS/3DS Capture.
It was fine, minus a tiny audio issue.

However, I've just moved everything to a slightly newer 2020 M1 MacBook Air.
Both CuteCapture and DualCapture work great on Sonoma 14.2 for the Nintendo DS Loopy Card!
I do recommend a Ground-Loop Isolater and a USB Soundcard to capture the Audio from the Headphone Jack though.

Still investigating the 3DS capture on Mac. Currently I get black screens.
Will post if I get anything working.

I hope this helps.

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Joined: Sat Jan 13, 2018 4:57 pm

Re: Mac Users

Post by Fullmental » Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:24 pm

Chroma wrote:
Mon Mar 21, 2022 6:13 pm
Just curious, Is there no hope for us Mac users? I stream every other console off my Mac but my 3DS I just cannot do. You can get image through one of the few existing apps like CuteCapture, but it doesn't do audio. Any small amount of existing devs have stopped developing years and years ago. Manual redirect of the audio to a Mac also doesn't seem possible, as Mac computers always have a single shared headphone/mic dynamic port, which always detects the 3DS AUX as headphones. I also tried buying a messy string of adapters and cables from Amazon to convert the headphone/mic port, and when that didn't work, I tried to convert one of the USB-C ports to do the same. The issue is that the audio that appears is screechy and just unusable. I spoke with the developer on the CuteCapture GitHub too, and they just can't do anything about it.

Is there any possible hope that we'll see a Mac version of the Windows software someday? Or should I just give up? Would be sad to let go of the capture board I bought since everything else about Windows just drives me mad and got me switched over to Mac. Even an OBS Studio plugin or the Windows app put into a Mac compatible container would work wonders, just hoping someone out there has the know-how. Would greatly appreciate it.
I don't know if you ever found a solution for the audio, but I tried a random USB audio device (a sound blaster play 3), and even though my M1 macbook complained about "legacy" extensions or some stupid crap like that, plugging the audio cable into the mic input on that device works once you install the driver.

I've been able to use this for both my DS and 3DS capture devices using OBS and the little USB card - no real issues except for the occasional audio glitch, but I can live with that. Only other downside is I can't have both plugged in AND keep the macbook charged because there's only 2 USB C ports, and it's a bit of a dongle hell thanks to the USB C to A adapter I need to adapt to my audio cable...thanks Apple!

Edit: proof of concept:


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Joined: Sun Feb 12, 2023 11:31 am

Re: Mac Users

Post by harpentong » Fri Mar 22, 2024 6:44 pm

Im on the same boat, i have a n3DS XL loopy capture card and i can't get it to run on mac, i do have parallels + windows 11 pro so windows for me runs on a virtual machine, loopy helped me troubleshoot to get the app to run on windows and i even fixed the volume slider option but ultimately the issue was that i couldnt get the driver for n3DS xl to work, if i can figure out how to get the driver to work, it might be the end of my problems, still a native and easy mac solution that is user friendly would be nice, cause not all of us are programmers

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