DS capture application not displaying/flashing when 3DS capture application also open

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DS capture application not displaying/flashing when 3DS capture application also open

Post by Seamus » Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:44 pm

Both of my devices are loopy cap cards; 3DS cap card and DS cap card.

When I was trying to get both of them to capture, the DS capture output would display white/flash.
When I did the DS capture alone, it worked just fine; same with the 3ds, it also worked flawlessly, both video and audio.
When I have the DS capture app open, with the DS capture plugged in and working, and the 3DS capture application open WITHOUT the 3ds plugged in, the DS capture app works just fine.

I tried switching ports (all updated), I tried switching micro usb cables (different lengths, different kinds), but I still get the white/flashing screen on the DS capture application.

Any other recommendations to try to get both to run at the same time?

** Using an HP laptop. I'm assuming this is because the laptop is overloaded with inputs or something but the other ROG laptop I was using worked fine, same with another host PC. I just want to record on this specific laptop instead of those two.**

Thanks in advance,
Seamus :D

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