[BUYING] 3DS with loopy's Capture Card for a Dream Proyect

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[BUYING] 3DS with loopy's Capture Card for a Dream Proyect

Post by Amargara » Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:39 pm

Greetings to all :)

Well, I'm not sure how to start this ... but here I go

Hi I’m Amargara, from Peru (Latin America) a few months ago and have been a constant visitor to the forum. And for much longer I have in mind a project on YouTube. You see, in my country our gamer culture is still in developing. My country has eyes for games that are for the masses and do not have time to appreciate the alternatives that the world offers. At least that's what I see, I hope there isn’t a Peruvian in the forum to refute me. My goal is to give a plus to these alternatives with your help and I hope this will be a reality.

The reason why I make a long introduction is for anyone interested in selling his/her console, to know I'm putting everything on this project. I learned the differences between the console that Loopy manufactures and his rival (the infamous Katsukity)
So I vote and I put all my trust in Loopy manufactured product.

Before wanting to negotiate with me I want you to take into account the following:

:arrow: The only way I can pay you is through a PayPal receipt: I've never done this type of transaction so my brother will help me.
:arrow: I looking for a console in good condition: As I said before I live in Peru, so…a damaged product will cost my more. I hope you understand that I will need evidence of the state of the console (recent pictures)
:arrow: I DO NOT LOOKING FOR A PAL CONSOLE: also need evidence of this. Be patient with me.
:arrow: I have a limit of money to offer with everything and shipping.
:arrow: My English is not so good. So my answers may take time.

Contact me by PM if you are interested in selling your 3DS

Thank you for Reading. :)


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