Multiple 3DS Capture Cards

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Multiple 3DS Capture Cards

Post by ArcticArrow » Thu Jul 27, 2023 1:39 am

Hi there,

I just got a capture card installed on my second 3DSXL with hopes of streaming both of them at the same time. I am using the N3DS_view.exe software. Both of them work by themselves, but when I plug the second one in and enter the product key the first DS capture screen freezes. So then I try to reconfigure the first one and then the other one freezes. Is it not possible to capture both systems at once? Or am I doing something wrong? Thanks for any help!

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Re: Multiple 3DS Capture Cards

Post by Elysium » Thu Jul 27, 2023 3:40 am

Optimize boards don't support it, but there is a workaround. However, there's always a risk of them being damaged doing this. You've been warned.. If you want guaranteed support for multi capture, use any of Loopy's boards (DS, 3DS, N3DS XL).

*side note, maybe it's just me, using 1x Loopy board and 1x optimize doesn't work unless they're on different USB buses(unsure of terminology) or if you have Loopy's N3DS XL board, use a USB 3.0 cable and it'll work.

Launch the viewer software and open the ini folder through its menu. Open the .ini file in notepad, delete any product keys, the setting for console type (when it asks for 2DS or 3DS), and any calibration settings. Set the file to read-only. If you only have 3DS capture cards and the same calibration works for both, you can skip the last two and just delete the product keys.

Once you've locked it, launch the viewer software and plug in one 3DS and enter its product key. Then launch another instance of the viewer, plug in the next 3DS and enter its product key. You should now see both consoles.

You can do up to 3, but I haven't tried more than 2. Do not do this for the "New" 3DS boards, as it will fry them. And like I've said at the top, there's always a risk since it's not officially supported.

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