Product review

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Product review

Post by ShadowB » Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:08 pm


I received my 3ds capture card 2 days ago and I thought I would share my experience with the community/lurkers of 3dscapture.

Firstly, I would like to say that the item was packaged as good as it could be. I literally shook the box before I opened it and the console had no movement whatsoever. I was very pleased with this as in the past I have ordered items and they have been damaged by poor packaging.

Upon inspecting the product, loopy sent the console to me exactly as I had sent it to him. I found this to be very considerate. The finish of the capture card looks clean and it is clear that it is not a dodgy job. The cables seem to be high quality (note: I am not an expert in this, but seem way better than my iPhone cable)

Something I was surprised about was how easily it was to setup the capture card program. Just plug in the 3ds and open the program and it works right out of the box with no lag. My computer is not very powerful.(I ran windows using boot camp on my mac)

Computer specs
processor: 2.6ghz intel core i7
memory: 8gb
graphics: intel HD graphics 4000

Finally, I will discuss communication. I had sent a few emails to loopy and asked for something and he had responded and was helpful with my inquiries.

I would like to thank loopy for offering his service and I strongly reccomend people to buy his product if they are after something where the craftsmanship is at a high quality and the customer service is also present

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