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Re: European distributor -

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 1:37 pm
by Tecd0c
Hi Meth!

The "express Service" I use is DPD for 99% of the parcels I ship the exception is that they do not deliver to Swizerland and Greece and Norway, in this cases I use DHL Global.
They are quite reliable, normally you got your parcel in 3 days after I sent it out. There is no extra fee for this Service. You pay the Capture Card and the shiping rate for local or Europe shipping which is 8 EUR or 19 EUR that's it.
If you plan sending in your 3DS console then pack or wrap it in some "air bobble plastic" or such. And if you do not thrust your postal Service then put it in a second box. :)

When you send in your console take everything out you can. I do not need anything like touchpen or SD-Card, for testing puropses I got my own stuff.
To give you a quote on repairs at the same time as you get the Capture Card installed I need to see what's wrong with your console, so a Picture would help a lot :)

The address is needed to send your parcel back to you and the color is only to better identify your order. E-Mail means e-mail address :) Yes there is a field for telephone number, this is for the shipping Services they will get your phonenumber so they can reach you for an appointment and such.

What future offer do you mean? The XL Capture Cards? - they are not released so I cannot give you a price on that.

For this kind of questions we got a FAQ and a Presentation in our forum: ... p?f=7&t=12

Kind Regards

Re: European distributor -

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 8:43 pm
by meth
Hello tecd0c. Thanks for answering me. I should have answer you back yesterday, but i had some personal stuff to deal with. Now i have the necessary time to reply.

Good. i'll search them and i'll see what i can find before sending everything.

Good idea. a double box could make them understand how much i value my 3ds and it should arrive to you safely.


To give you the images(i prefer to give more than one because might be not easy to see the difference, so i'll try to make it visible as much as i can) with the hinge's problem, should send them here or with a PM?

Understood. i'll write everything you need.

Not the 3ds XL (even because it was hard already to buy the normal 3ds), but the normal 3ds version. i cannot afford the XL one, so i thought that you've prepared the modded 3ds (normal, not XL) for that version. i should have been more precise, my apology. maybe the modded 3ds is XL only? if yes, then i didn't understand and i'm sorry; if no, have i to wait for the 1st of september to know its price? sorry to be repetitive, but i want to check all the possibilities.

I saw the first link already, but the second is very instructive for record stuff. i'll ask something when i'll get the capture card.

Thanks. I'll wait for the answers, meanwhile i'll get the pics and all the necessary. have a good day.


Re: European distributor -

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:17 pm
by Tecd0c
Hi Meth

About repairs - it is better to communicate about such things by E-Mail then you could also just attach your pictures etc.
stefan(at) merki net

About prices you can see it here: ... f=24&t=137
There is also a history and explanation.

To make it short, for regular and XL both options will be available, so you can decide what you want - only the installation in your console or a complete set (a new 3DS console plus a Capture Card).

The XL prices are not decided yet, but most likely I will offer them for the same price, Just the consoles itself will have a different price depends on the color.
Have a nice day too.

Re: European distributor -

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 2:44 am
by meth
Hi. Sorry for this silence, but i had to stop everything because something terrible has happened. now everything's going back to normal and i can return to my schedule.

Understood. i'll make some pic with the little but visible difference, so you'll be able to tell me the price and the possibilities.

About the prices, i saw the 3DS + capture already modded in it. i cannot afford its price, so for now i stay firm about my original thoughts. I'll order the 3DS capture and i'll send my 3ds when everything will be ready. i'll let you know when i have the necessary stuff.

Thanks for your patience and sorry for the delay. have a nice week.


Re: European distributor -

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:30 am
by Romain Groulez
Hello !

I come here to say that I have received my 3DS this Friday ! I have tested the software and it's working very well except the sound which is not recorded when I click on "Record". It's not really a problem because I use Open Broadcaster Software to record my voice + the sound of the 3DS (and the video of course).

Otherwise, DPD is very quick, I have received my 3DS in 3 days (I'm French) and they are more rapid than french post office (1 week... XD )

Really thanks to for the services and for the distribution, I recommand ! :)

Best regards !

Re: European distributor -

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 12:58 pm
by Oli
I'm happy about my new 3DS with Capture Card!
I have tested the 3DS and everything works perfect!

The service is very fast and great!

Re: European distributor -

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 3:38 pm
by Eternia
Hi, i'm an european client and there's my feedback (in French and English, 'cause I'm French so... sorry for my bad English).


J'ai fait appel aux services de Merki une première fois au début de l'année, en février. Mon site traitant sur une grande franchise de Nintendo, il devenait urgent de se procurer le fameux Capture Board. Et bien, je dois dire que je n'ai pas été déçue la première fois. Stefan a répondu aux quelques mails très rapidement. A vrai dire, la seule déception que j'ai eu avec le premier achat vient de la Poste française qui a été TRÈS longue à envoyer le colis à destination. Le premier appareil reçu était impécable : la console était encore mieux protégée que lors de mon envoi, le service a été extrêmement rapide... que du bonheur.

Plus récemment, suite à un problème plus personnel, j'ai fait appel une nouvelle fois aux services de Merki. Et, là encore, je nai pas éé déçue, bien au contraire. Toujours aussi parfait, rapide... bref, un service parfait. Rien à redire : si je devais acheter un 3ème capture board, je le ferai les yeux fermés sans aucun problème.

Tout est très bien expliqué, tant au niveau de l'achat que de l'expédition : on ne peut pas se tromper. Les exemples négatifs de choses à ne pas faire permettent d'oter quelques doutes avant de faire une bêtise. Concernant le matériel en soi, là encore, je n'ai rien à redire : tout marche parfaitement. Le logiciel s'installe parfaitement et très rapidement.

En conclusion :
(+) :
* excellent support qui tient informé dès réception du paiement, de la console et de la réexpédition du produit
* logiciel très facile à installer
* produit de qualité

(-) :
* rien du tout !

Encore une fois, un grand merci Stefan.

I have used the services of Merki once at the beginning of the year, in February. My site is talking about a big Nintendo's franchise (Pokémon), so it became urgent to buy a Capture Board. Well, I must say that I wasn't disappointed the first time. Stefan answered a few emails very quickly. In fact, the only disappointment I had with the first purchase comes from the French Post was VERY long to send the package to Germany. The first aircraft received was impeccable: the console was even better protected than when my shipment, the service was extremely fast ... but happiness.

More recently, following a personal problem, I called again Merki services. And, again, I have not éé disappointed, quite the contrary. Always so perfect, fast ... well, perfect service. Nothing to say: If I had to buy a 3rd capture board, I'll do my eyes closed without any problems.

Everything is explained very well, both in terms of purchase that the expedition can not be wrong. Negative examples of things not to allow oter some doubts before making a mistake. Regarding the material itself, again, I have no complaints: everything works perfectly. The software installs quickly and perfectly.

In conclusion:
* Excellent support who informed upon receipt of payment, the console and the return of the product
* Very easy to install software
* Product Quality

* Nothing!

Again, a big thank you Stefan.

Re: European distributor -

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 4:02 pm
by Noro
Hello everyone, I come like others do a feedback, I dont remember quite well when I buyed the 3DS Capture Board but it was some time ago, about two years if I have to trust on my thread titre.

About the 3DS Capture Board, it still working, and working well. I use it often to do some live on Twitch, you will have some exemple of it down there. The quality had not decrease, it fact it improved! The little software named "3DS Capture" is updated often and do it job! (We only have to plug one cable to have the sound and the image, and that change a lot huhu). The image is as clear as possible and I play on my compunter screen when I do lives, even for rythm games like Theatrythm, which tell a lot about the reactivity.

About the service, I alway had great relations with Merki, and all goes well with me. I sometimes helped some troubles doing the interpreter between them and frenchs. The 3DS Capture Board seems to be well did, cause it's still work as well over the years, and the team serious enought to do what they have to do quick and clean.

So, I only can recommend to streamers who want to have a nice quality of image to contact MERKI, there is some video I could make with my own 3DS Capture Board below ;)

Re: European distributor -

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 10:39 pm
by Manuel
I received my Nintendo 3DS + installed Capture Card. Everything is perfect.
What you get:
- Customer service with quick response
- Mail when your Nintendo 3DS arrived at his shop in Germany
- Mail with tracking number for your Nintendo 3DS after the capture card is installed
- Download Link for software and driver
- How To link to get to your video file inclusive game sound.
- The package includes the Nintendo 3DS with the installed capture card + micro USB cable + backplate

The game sound will now be recorded via the USB cable. That is really great. You don't need this 3,5mm cable anymore. No noise filter is needed too if you record the sound via the USB cable. Audio quality is perfect :)
Top product, perfect customer service, everything is just great.

Thx for all
Best Regards

Re: European distributor -

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 7:44 am
by TommyTLG
Very quick response. Everything in the e-mail was nice and detailed.
My 3DS got shipped quickly, and now I'm just waiting for it to arrive in my country! :D

Good costumer service.