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What games do you record?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 9:01 am
by TommyTLG
Just curious of what everyone is playing/recording at the moment? :D
Or if you have any future plans of recording a game or something.

And Happy Holidays to everyone if you celebrate something!

Re: What games do you record?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 10:04 am
by lokistarwind
Happy holidays to you and everyone here.

In terms of 3DS games, nothing in particular at the moment. A few test records for QA. Maybe down the line when I can get a better laptop, I want to do Kid Icarus Uprising. Most lps or walkthroughs of the game are usually casual and I kinda want to show the game's more in depth aspects. There is a lot of mechanics to show that are not apparent.

Other idea that come to mind is cave story 3D with co-commentary with other commentators who know their stuff to comment on the changes from the original. Maybe battle network 5 for the DS and its awful english voice acting during fights. Also phantom hourglass if the 4 koma gets finished translated as I tend to use manga into my projects. I have a lot of project ideas, just not enough free time and sufficient hardware to do it. Takes me a month to do a single video.

As of now I just finished the original pokemon ruby that uses the adventures manga as a source material and working on a Japan only Natsume playformer game based on the anime Ghost Sweeper Mikami. Also I did do two vids on windwaker hd that is unlisted that plays as if one is listening to an off screen narrator documenting the actions of Link.

Thanks for asking this question. It gave me a lot to think on what I have done and want to do.

Re: What games do you record?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 5:37 pm
by desocietas
Good question :)

I don't have a modded 3DS (yet), but I'm recording Radiant Historia on my DS capture. Looking forward to doing some Golden Sun eventually.

Re: What games do you record?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:48 am
by Czar_Yoshi
Almost exclusively Fire Emblem Awakening, though I'll play more Smash once the Gamecube mod comes out.

Re: What games do you record?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 6:09 pm
by DrunkGoomba1645
Lately, I have been using my 3DS capture board as a means of display to play Fire Emblem Awakening. I do plan on recording Let's Plays with it in the future. (It may happen sooner than expected, but we'll have to wait and see what happens.) ;)