Thank You Loopy

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Joined: Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:51 am

Thank You Loopy

Post by Armads » Thu Mar 19, 2015 6:44 pm

Loopy, I just wanted to thank you for all the hard work and effort you put towards this project and all your future endeavors. Almost 2 years ago you modded my 3DS and added a capture board, and it's still going strong! I've been uploading 3DS content to youtube since then. Not only that, I'm considering getting a N3DS-XL just so I can get your capture board (I've just read too many mixed reviews on katsukitty, it's not reliable) to record in 60fps! I'm not the best or well known youtuber out there, but I like to think I make some people happy. Your work allows me to do what I love and what I have a passion for. From me, and all my viewers on youtube/twitch, you have my most sincerest thanks.

Thank you.

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